What would you do with a Time Machine? Messing with history can have it’s consequences.
In this game you are a Time Traveler, with a Secret Mission, a Secret Identity, and a very important job to do: Paradox Repair. You can win by fixing enough Paradoxes, gathering up the three rare and amazing Artifacts listed on your Mission Card, or adjusting history in the three ways necessary to allow your character to return to the alternate reality from which he or she originally came. The constant changing of history is tracked by a special layout of 32 cards, called the TimeLine. So shuffle up this time-machine-in-a-box and start changing history!
Whatever year you are in drop in for this great game at Off The Charts Games. Also check out our fabulous selection of other card, dice, and board games. We are located at 30 NW 2nd St in Historic Downtown Gresham.