We had a chance to play Origin for the first time last night. This new game from Matagot features some great looking wooden pawns used to designate three tribes. These tribes will evolve and migrate from central Africa across the world. Players use village tokens to designate which tribal pawns belong to them. Tribal pawns are introduced to the board via evolution. Once on the board players can move their villages with respective tribal pawn across the board or swap places with weaker pawns of another player. The pawns have three characteristics: color (tribe), width (strength), and height (speed).
from the purple deck of cards, for hunting animals, for controlling straits
between continents, and for developing innovation technology trees. Along the way players will use green cards
for one time benefits and orange cards for game-long benefits. Cards and innovation tiles are acquired by evolving
on or moving to a country of the matching deck color. Therefore, players will
gain something on every turn.
Goal cards will drive actions because they can require certain
combinations of countries, tribes, etc.
But, the key will be outmaneuvering everyone else. A two player game will be a real chess match
trying to position your tribal pawns without setting up your opponent. In a three or four player game players will
need to be able to shift gears quickly.
The board can evolve and change between your turns making your next move
definitely different than the one you were planning on when you finished your
last turn. Origin has great components, quick
game play – 45 minutes, and enough decisions to definitely deep your head in
the game.
in our Demo Games Library for you come in and try out.