Table Top: Episode 8 Features: Fiasco Part 1

Pull up a chair and get ready for the next in the Table Top series hosted by Star Trek’s, Wil Wheaton on Felicia Day’s You Tube Channel, Geek and Sundry.

Bully Pulpit Games

Today Wil and his guests Alison Haislip (actress), Bonnie Burton (writer), and John Rogers (screen writer and game designer geek) take on the roles of Marty Spano, Lily Anastasia, Betty Capozzi, and Eddie Malloy, respectively, in this story-telling, role playing  “Fiasco” of a game.

Continue to tune in for more Table Top Episodes

At Off The Charts Games, we have a fabulous selection of family games, strategy games, Euro-style games, war games, card games, dice games and more. Also for the puzzle enthusiasts we carry quality puzzles from Ravensburger, TDC, and White Mountain.

Game Arrivals: July 8th – 14th

This week’s game arrivals include:

SmallWorld: Realms
Days of Wonder

From Days of Wonder is this newest Small World Expansion.  Small World Realms, can be played with Small World and/or Small World Undergrounds.

This new game expansion features 48 new 2-sided geomorphic terrain tiles and a dozen new Scenarios. The tiles can be assembled in countless variations, at the players’ choice, or set to one of the 12 custom scenarios.

So… are you ready to venture into the Realms?
Castle Panic: Wizard’s Tower
Fireside Games

The Wizard’s Tower Expansion brings new choices to make and new threats to overcome to the family fun co-operative game, Castle Panic.  A friendly Wizard joins your forces providing powerful magic spells.  The Monsters return stronger, faster, smarter,and with new abilities.  You’ll fight magical Imps, evasive flying creatures, and more.  Make your stand against six new, dangerous Mega Boss Monsters, including the Dragon and Necromancer.  You will have fire to attack the Monsters, but beware, your Walls and Towers can be burned down as well!  The challenge is high but so is the adventure.

Can you survive more panic and defend The Wizard’s Tower?
Queen Games
Lancaster is a worker placement game that takes place during the time of Henry V of Lancaster, King of England.  During the course of the game, players will deploy their knights to counties within England, to their castles, or to conflicts with France.  Each location type brings its own reward.  A player’s knight can be forced out of a county location by an opponent’s stronger knight.  Conflicts can be won through cooperation among players, with the rewards being split based on the strength of the knights committed to the conflict. Additionally, players will vote on laws coming out of Parliament.  These laws affect the abilities that players have on their turn. 
      The game lasts five rounds with players earning points by gathering up noblemen from the counties, by being victorious in conflicts with France, by adding the most strength to their knights, and by building the most extension onto their castles.  The player with the most points after 5 rounds will be the winner.

Queen Games

Edo is a worker placement and resource management game set in Japan in the years from 1603 to 1868.  Players use an interesting planning system at the start of each turn.  This involves secretly selecting three out of a possible twelve actions to perform with a maximum of four officials (workers) assigned to each action. During the course of the game players will build houses, trading posts, and castles to develop Edo and its surroundings.  Players gain points for building and trading with the merchant.  They also gain points at the end of the game for money in hand and for any of their officials servings as samurai still on the board. The player with the most points wins, but only if they have built at least one house in Edo.

King of Tokyo

King of Tokyo is the work of Richard Garfield, the creator of the popular collectible card game Magic The Gathering, The Great Dalmuti card game and the board game Robo Rally.

King of Tokyo is a crazy game for 2-6 players.  Players embody mutant monsters, giant robots and other monstrous creatures that will fight in a joyful atmosphere for the sole purpose of becoming the one and only king of Tokyo. Players take turns rolling a set of six dice, choosing to keep or reroll some of those dice up to three times.  You are trying to make the best possible combinations: victory points, gain energy, attack monsters, or heal your monster.   With your earned energy you can purchase cards that grant your monster new abilities.  Some cards are also used immediately to cash in points, heal your monster, hurt the other monsters, or shift control of Tokyo around the board.  Accumulate 20 victory points and you will be the King of Tokyo.

Continue to tune in for the latest in board games.

At Off The Charts Games, we have a fabulous selection of family games, strategy games, Euro-style games, war games, card games, dice games and more. Also for the puzzle enthusiasts we carry quality puzzles from Ravensburger, TDC, and White Mountain.
We proudly serve Gresham and the greater Portland and Vancouver area.

News Flash: 2012 Award Winners

The jury for Spiel des Jahres has announced the 2012 award winners:

2012 Spiel des Jahres
(Game of the Year)
No surprise to us that Kingdom Builder won the award.  We feel Kingdom Builder is a great game and well deserving of the award.

To learn more about the concept behind the Spiel des Jahres award click here


2012 Kennerspiel des Jahres
(Higher Level Strategy Game of the Year)
Tasty Minstel Games
In the second year of the Kennerspiel des Jahres the Jury has followed up last years’ hit 7 Wonders, with Village.  The Kennerspiel des Jahres was developed last year to honor higher level strategy games.  We hope Village will soon be available for US distribution.
To read more about the concept behind the Kennerspiel des Jahres award click here
Continue to tune in for the latest in board games.

At Off The Charts Gameswe have a fabulous selection of family games, strategy games, Euro-style games, war games, card games, dice games and more. Also for the puzzle enthusiasts we carry quality puzzles from Ravensburger, TDC, and White Mountain.
We proudly serve Gresham and the greater Portland and Vancouver area.

Game Events: Week of July 8th – 14th

Come and join in on the fun with Game Night.  It’s a great way to meet other game enthusiasts.  Here is this week’s schedule:

Date: Weds. July 11th
Time: 6 pm
Place: Off The Charts Games Store

Weds. Featured Games
Click on the game name to read our Game Profile that may also include a video overview.

7 Wonders
Repos Prod./Asmodee
Rio Grande Games

No Experience is Necessary.  While you are here we are happy to teach you the rules and get you started.

       ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Date: Fri. July 13th
Time: 6 pm
Place: Off The Charts Games Store

 Gut Bustin’ Games
Game Play Test Event

Come and Play Test new games currently in development and meet game designer, Lisa Steenson.

Gut Bustin’ Games is locally owned and puts out hilarious board games such as Redneck Life, Trailer Park Wars, and Oh Gnome You Don’t.

Sign up to participate in this sure to be fun event!

Come Play ~ ~ It’s Free ~ ~ It’s Fun!

Most Popular Games: 2012 2nd Quarter Results

For the curious-minded, our Top 10 Best Sellers for the 2nd Quarter are:

1. Ticket To Ride
Days of Wonder
2. Settlers of Catan
Mayfair Games

3. & 4. Tie
Small World

Days of Wonder
3. & 4. Tie
Small World Underground
Days of Wonder

5. Tsuro
Calliope Games
6. Dominion
Rio Grande Games
7. Pandemic
Z-Man Games

8. Zombie Dice
Steve Jackson Games

9. Nuts!

10. Tie

Wizards of the Coast
10. Tie
Munchkin Zombies

Steve Jackson Games

At Off The Charts Games, we have a fabulous selection of family games, strategy games, Euro-style games, war games, card games, dice games and more. Also for the puzzle enthusiasts we carry quality puzzles from Ravensburger, TDC, and White Mountain.
We proudly serve Gresham and the greater Portland and Vancouver area.

Happy Independence Day!

Have a safe and sane July 4th

We will see you tomorrow.

At Off The Charts Gameswe have a fabulous selection of family games, strategy games, Euro-style games, war games, card games, dice games and more. Also for the puzzle enthusiasts we carry quality puzzles from Ravensburger, TDC, and White Mountain.
We proudly serve Gresham and the greater Portland and Vancouver area.

Game Goes “Off The Charts”: Finca

The family friendly game, Finca accompanied us on a wine tasting adventure up the Columbia Gorge.

Ron, Jean, & Joe get started on Finca

In Finca we are farmers harvesting juicy fruits and nuts such as lemons, oranges, figs, grapes, olives, almonds, etc.  We will use donkey’s to deliver our collected fruits and nuts around the Spanish island of Mallorca.  Thank you to Doug and Patti for introducing this delectable game to us.

You can learn more about Finca from our Game Profile including a video by just clicking on the game name Finca.  You can also come into the store where we have a demo copy available for you to try.

Game Event: Week of Jul 1st – 7th

Here is this week’s Game Night schedule:

Weds. July 4th: Off The Charts Games will be Open.  However, there will not be a game event night this night.

~ ~

Date: Fri, July 6th
Place: Off The Charts
Games Store

Friday’s Featured Games:

Queen Games
Mayfair Games
learn more about each featured board game including video overviews click on
it’s game name below the picture.

Expanding the Game Demo Library

Here are our latest additions to our Demo Game Library shelves: 

  • Fresco (Queen Games)
  • Castles of Burgundy (Ravensburger)
  • Alhambra (Queen Games)
  • Trans America (Rio Grande Games)
  • Four Taverns (Rather Dashing Games)
  • Red Hot Silly Peppers (Rather Dashing Games)

Fresco:  Come and try this clever worker-placement board game where you not only have to manage your master painters but you have to keep them happy as well.  Naturally, being a painting-themed game it has a colorful board and components.

Castles of Burgundy:  After playing this board game I definitely want to play it again and again.  The game has a wide variety of way to score points.  And, points can come in bunches.  There is a lot going on in this game and I can see why it is ranked # 26 on board game geek.  Read our game profile and watch a game overview video by clicking on Castles of Burgundy.

Alhambra:  This is a set collection, tile laying, wall building kind of game. We find it to be a great casual game with light strategy.  Not only do we have the base game but we also have the Big Box  set that includes five expansions.  So come in and pick and choose what you want to play – it’s all fun.  Read our game profile that includes a link to Queen Games for a video game overview by clicking on Alhambra.

Trans America: Now included in this board game is the Vexation Expansion that adds a whole new layer of strategy to what has been an easy to learn, quick playing network building game.  And, surprises of all surprises, Medford, Oregon is one of the destinations among the big cities on the board.

Four Taverns:  New to us from Rather Dashing Games.  This card game is made in the USA.  It features cards of hero’s, champions, and monks being played to win the most quests with the most renown points.  Come and try this easy game and let us know what you think.

Red Hot Silly Peppers: Another game, also made in the USA that we received from Rather Dashing Games.  This simple card game has colorful and fun-looking hot peppers on the cards. Come and try this easy game and let us know what you think.

We have lots of games for you to come and play.  While you are here, we will be happy to teach you the rules and get you started.

At Off The Charts Games, we have a fabulous selection of family games, strategy games, Euro-style games, war games, card games, dice games and more. Also for the puzzle enthusiasts we carry quality puzzles from Ravensburger, TDC, and White Mountain.
We proudly serve Gresham and the greater Portland and Vancouver area.