2012 Chess for FA Benefit Tournament

Benjamin is a teen with a cause …. to raise awareness and money for the Fanconia Anemia Research Fund in memory of his sister.  Participate in this 3rd annual K-12 benefit chess tournament being held at Corbett H.S. on February 18, 2012.   Have a great time while benefiting a worthwhile cause.

“I’m hosting a chess tournament to raise money for the Fanconi Anemia Research Fund. The tournament will be held in the Corbett High School Commons, on February 18, 2012.
In 2006, my sister, Nina Morrison, died of Fanconi anemia, a life-threatening genetic disease. The Fanconi Anemia Research Fund (FARF) works to find the cure for FA. All proceeds from the chess tournament and concession sales will go to FARF, so please donate and help save the lives of the hundreds of other kids around the world with FA. You can visit www.fanconi.org for more information about Fanconi anemia and FARF.”

You can learn more about the chess benefit tournament and Fanconi Anemia at ChessForFA.wordpress.com