Game Profile: Sunrise City

The Sky’s The Limit

Mechanics Auction/Bidding, Tile Placement, Card Drafting, Variable Player
Theme City Building
Publication Clever Mojo Games, 2012
Ages 13+
Time 60
Players 2 – 4
In Sunrise City players will get to
assume the role of a different character in each of the game’s three
rounds.  There are sixteen characters to
choose from and range from Protester to Crime Boss to City Manager each with a
unique ability.  Players will work to
create zoning which will benefit them later with the buildings they need to construct.  They will then bid to gain control of
undeveloped zones.  Then Building
construction begins. Construction of
buildings must comply with zoning restrictions. 

The winner of the game is the player who amasses the most points.  Points can be gained by clever zoning.  They can also be scored by construction
buildings on zones you controlled during the bidding process.  Additional points can be earned for
constructing buildings next to certain valuable community locations and by
building higher and higher in the city scape. 
Manage your roles well, plan ahead and you could be the master builder
of Sunrise


We have an open copy of Sunrise City available in our Store Demo Library for you come in and try out.

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