Game Overview: Papua

Papua is a dice driven worker placement game with blind auction bidding and set collection for 2 to 4 players that plays in 75 minutes.  The goal is to score the most victory points. Victory points are scored from logistic tokens, various sets of expedition cards, field notebook cards, remaining energy on the energy track, most coins, remaining fish, and your number of explorers.  During game play, players will send their explorers out among the six action locations to gain money, fish/food, flora and fauna (expedition) cards, field notebook cards, special benefit tokens, and recruit additional explorers.  There are two phases to each round. – a Start Phase and a Resolve Phase. In the Start Phase roll dice to assign a number (one through 6) to the locations, determine where to send your explorer and how many you can send expending energy for each explorer sent out.  You can spend money to change dice values.  The Resolve Phase is where actions at the locations with your workers are executed.  The game board is reset for the next round. Game play continues in the same manner until game end is triggered when one of two conditions is reached. Tally points.  The player with the most victory points is the winner.

Start Phase:

In player turn order roll the appropriate number of dice and decide which dice value you want to assign to the action locations on the game board. You can spend money to change dice values but not catastrophe symbols. The dice can depict a catastrophe symbol instead of a value that when rolled the player either loses an explorer or pays one coin to keep the explorer for each catastrophe symbol.

Place a chit on the location to indicate the number value you assigned. This will remain there for the entire round.  You can assign all the number values you rolled or just some.

Deploy a number of your explorers to that assigned action space as the number of dice you rolled with that value.  You may not want to assign all your workers as you may need them to bid on expedition cards. You cannot assign a number to a location without placing at least one explorer there.

Decrease your energy on the energy track the number spaces equal to the number of explorers you deployed.

The next player now rolls the dice and assigns chits to locations not yet assigned and deploys their explorers to locations relative to the dice they rolled.  When all players have rolled and place explorers the Start phase is done.

Resolve phase – In numerical order of the assigned locations execute the actions of that location. The six action locations are:

Huts:  gain more explorers, more dice, and the ability to lock more dice.

Expedition Cards: worth Victory Points at game end based on sets. Blind auctioned the three face-up cards. Only the players that have explorers here can bid on them. Your unused explorers and coins are what you’ll use to bid with. Bidding is done secretly behind your player screen. You may only bid on the number of cards equal to the number of explorers you have here.  Reveal the bids. Move down the energy track the number of spaces equal to the number of explorers you used to bid whether you won a card or not.  Forfeit any coins you used for cards that you won.  Retain the coins if you did not win the card.

Logistics: provides benefit tokens – more energy, more fish, coins, victory points, etc.  The player with the most explorers here selects one of the face-up tokens, the player with the second most explorers selects one a token, and so on.

Funding:  roll dice equal to the number of explorers here to gain coins.  Receive coins based on the number of your explorers here plus either the highest die, the middle die, or the lowest die rolled as determined by the number on the current Field Notebook Card.

Fishing: roll the number of dice equal to the number of explorers you have here plus one. Receive fish equal to the number of your explorers plus the difference between your highest die and lowest die number.  Fish are necessary for payment when crossing bridges on the energy track and to spend to reduce the number of energy expended when deploying explorers.

Field Notebook Cards: worth end game points for the player with the most cards. The player with the most assigned explorers here resolves the card’s effect and retains it for end game scoring.  These primarily provide benefits for that player but can also have negative effects for the opponents.

Game End and Scoring – game end is triggered when one of 2 conditions happen: 1) there are not enough cards to fill the 3 slots in the Expedition Location or 2) when a player’s energy level drops below 0. In condition 2, finish the round. Tally your victory points scoring the appropriate points for fish, energy, explorers, sets of expedition cards, number of field notebook cards, most number of coins, and from logistics tokens. The player with the most victory points is the winner.

  • Located at 30 NW 2nd Street in Historic Downtown Gresham.
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