Photosynthesis Blue Orange Games |
Plant and shape the ever-changing forest as you cultivate your seeds and your strategy. Take your trees through their life-cycle, from seedling to full bloom to rebirth, and earn points as their leaves collect energy from the revolving sun’s rays. Carefully pick where you sow and when you grow as the richest soil grows the strongest trunks, and the trees left in the shadows are blocked from the sun and from collecting light points.
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Viral Arcane Wonders |
Viral is a humorous 2 to 5 player game where you and your opponents are viruses invading and infecting the organs of a human patient.
You will compete to control zones in the patient’s body, with the goal to gain the most Viral Points. Each round, you secretly select mutation and zone cards, place their viruses, and then wreak havoc upon the body and your opponent’s viruses. Score points when you cause a crisis in an organ thereby activating the anti-virus (the immune system).
Unearth Brotherwise Games |
Five dice represent your team of Delvers. Each turn, you roll and place one die on a Ruin. Delver cards can enhance your efforts. High rolls help you claim Ruin cards. Choose your Ruins wisely. Many may compete, but only one player can unearth each Ruin. Low rolls allow you to uncover Stones. Combine Stones to rebuild the Wonders of a golden age. When the End of Age card appears, time is running out. Claim the final Ruins, total your points, and declare the winner.
Klondike Rush Red Raven Games |
Terraforming Mars Hellas & Elysium Stronghold Games |
Elysium takes players almost to the opposite side of Mars’ equator, with vast lowlands for oceans in the north and a dry, mineral-rich south. Place a tile on Olympus Mons, the highest peak in the solar system, to gain 3 free cards.
Hellas, the southern wild, includes Mars’ south pole and the enormous seven-hex Hellas crater that just begs to become a giant lake. Building around the pole gives you new placement bonuses in the form of heat and possibly even water.
Trade & Intrigue
Tasty Minstrel Games
Trade & Intrigue is the 2nd large expansion for the base game Orléans, a bag building worker placement strategy game.