for lily pads by deploying, sabotaging and jumping frogs on an ever-changing
pond of lily pads.

control of the local pond. A game of Bullfrogs begins with one log and 4 lily pads in the pond. Each player starts with 10 lily pad cards to
add to the pond along with 14 frogs and 2 Bullfrogs to take charge of as many
lily pads as possible. A player’s turn
consists of adding 1 lily pad from your hand to the pond and then adding 2, 3,
or 4 frogs or Bullfrogs on lily pads depending on the lily pad added. Frogs and Bullfrogs must be placed on lily pads
aligned horizontally or vertically with the lily pad just placed, but never directly
on the placed lily pad. To secure the
score of a lily pad a player must have the most frogs on the lily pad when it
is filled up. Each lily pad can hold 3,
4, or 5 frogs/Bullfrogs. Bullfrogs count
as 2 frogs.
full the real game begins. The lily pad
is removed to the winning player’s score pile.
The winner then next jumps all of the frogs that occupied that lily pad
to adjacent lily pads. That is 1 frog to
each adjacent lily pad or the log. There
is an order in which the frogs must jump.
Opponents frogs must be moved first, then any opponents Bullfrogs, then
their own frogs, and lastly their own Bullfrogs. Any frog with no lily pad or log to jump to
is given back to their owner’s supply.
Any Bullfrog with no lily pad or log to jump to is removed from the
game. Frogs and Bullfrogs residing on
the log must remain there for the remainder of the game. There is no limit on
how many frogs and Bullfrogs the log can hold.
scores a victory point at game end. Each
Bullfrog on the log scores 2 victory points and counts as 2 frogs to determine
which player earns the 3 bonus points for having the most frogs on the
log. The game ends when everyone has
placed all of their lily pads in the pond.
Each player tallies the points on the lily pads they have claimed. These
points are added to the log points and the player with the most points becomes
the head Bullfrog of the pond.

Games Library for you come in and try.