Game Profile: Bullfrogs

for lily pads by deploying, sabotaging and jumping frogs on an ever-changing
pond of lily pads

Classification Tactical Area Control Game
Mechanics Area Control, Hand Management, Modular Board
Publication Renegade Games, 2016
Ages 8+
Time 20 – 40
Players 2 – 4
It’s time to take
control of the local pond.  A game of
Bullfrogs begins with one log and 4 lily pads in the pond.  Each player starts with 10 lily pad cards to
add to the pond along with 14 frogs and 2 Bullfrogs to take charge of as many
lily pads as possible.  A player’s turn
consists of adding 1 lily pad from your hand to the pond and then adding 2, 3,
or 4 frogs or Bullfrogs on lily pads depending on the lily pad added.  Frogs and Bullfrogs must be placed on lily pads
aligned horizontally or vertically with the lily pad just placed, but never directly
on the placed lily pad.  To secure the
score of a lily pad a player must have the most frogs on the lily pad when it
is filled up.  Each lily pad can hold 3,
4, or 5 frogs/Bullfrogs.  Bullfrogs count
as 2 frogs.
Once a lily pad is
full the real game begins.  The lily pad
is removed to the winning player’s score pile. 
The winner then next jumps all of the frogs that occupied that lily pad
to adjacent lily pads.  That is 1 frog to
each adjacent lily pad or the log.  There
is an order in which the frogs must jump. 
Opponents frogs must be moved first, then any opponents Bullfrogs, then
their own frogs, and lastly their own Bullfrogs.  Any frog with no lily pad or log to jump to
is given back to their owner’s supply. 
Any Bullfrog with no lily pad or log to jump to is removed from the
game.  Frogs and Bullfrogs residing on
the log must remain there for the remainder of the game. There is no limit on
how many frogs and Bullfrogs the log can hold.

Each frog on the log
scores a victory point at game end.  Each
Bullfrog on the log scores 2 victory points and counts as 2 frogs to determine
which player earns the 3 bonus points for having the most frogs on the
log.  The game ends when everyone has
placed all of their lily pads in the pond. 
Each player tallies the points on the lily pads they have claimed. These
points are added to the log points and the player with the most points becomes
the head Bullfrog of the pond.

We have an open copy of Bullfrogs available in our Demo
Games Library for you come in and try.

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Continue to check in for the latest in board games.
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Come and visit us at 30 NW 2nd Street in Historic Downtown Gresham. We have a full range of family games, strategy games, Euro-style games, war games, card games, dice games and more. Also for the puzzle enthusiasts we carry quality puzzles from Ravensburger, White Mountain, and Cobble Hill.

We proudly serve Gresham and the greater Portland and Vancouver area.

Game Events: Week of August 7th – 13th

Not only do we sell board games, we also provide tables and a library full of open board games, card games, and dice games for you to come in and play.  The tables are open during store hours as well as during our Weds and Friday evening Open Game Play Nights.

In addition to Weds and Friday Open Game Play’s, this Saturday we are having one of our New Game Splash Events that provides you the opportunity to learn about and play a featured new game by a Envoy game hearld.

Board Game: Machi Koro

Come and join in on the fun as it’s a great way to meet other game enthusiasts and to try out some games.  Our Games Library has a wide variety of games available for play while you are here. It’s free and it’s fun!

Here is this week’s schedule:

Open Game Play
New Game Splash
Date: Weds. Aug 10th
Time: 6 pm
Place: Off The Charts Games Store

Weds. Suggested Games To Try
Here are 2 suggested game picks from our Games Library for you to try. One is aimed at those who want a light strategy game and the other is aimed at those who would like a more challenging strategy game. No experience is necessary! We are happy to teach you the rules and get you started.
To learn more about each suggested board game click on the game name below it’s picture.

Machi Koro
IDW Games
Black Fleet
Space Cowboys

A game of Black Fleet in play.

Weds New Game Splash
New Game Splash Events provides you the opportunity to see and play a new game coming on the market.

Crazy Karts
Portal Games
Mike V. will be here to demo and lead game play of Crazy Kartsa team based family game about a crazy race.

The race runs through a maze of obstacles with 2 drivers (players) in each kart.  Each driver controls only half of their kart’s controls and cannot talk to each other.

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Open Game Play
Date: Fri. Aug. 12th
Time: 6 pm
Place: Off The Charts Games Store

Fri. Suggested Games To Try
Here are 2 suggested game picks from our Games Library for you to try. One is aimed at those who want a light strategy game and the other is aimed at those who would like a more challenging strategy game. No experience is necessary! We are happy to teach you the rules and get you started.
To learn more about each suggested board game click on the game name below it’s picture.

Sea Of Clouds
Isle Of Skye
Mayfair Games
A game of Isle Of Skye in play.

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New Game Splash – Free Event
Date: Saturday Aug. 13th
Time: Noon – 5 pm

Place: Off The Charts Games Store

Dastardly Dirigibles
Fireside Games

New Game Splash Events provides you the opportunity to see and play a new game coming on the market. 

Professor Phineas Edmund Hornswoggle, famed airship builder, is retiring and you are an engineer competing to inherit the Hornswoggle factory.

Mike V. will be here to demo and lead game play of Dastardly Dirigiblesa new Steampunk themed card game about building dirigibles.  Players will build their airship from different parts of 9 suits.  Each time a part is added, all players must add the same part which may replace an existing one.  You can use special cards to try to thwart your opponents.

Come, see, and play Dastardly Dirigibles. The event is free, so come and have some fun!
Come Play ~ ~ It’s Free ~ It’s Fun!

Come and visit us at 30 NW 2nd Street in Historic Downtown GreshamWe have a full range of family games, strategy games, Euro-style games, war games, card games, dice games and more. Also for the puzzle enthusiasts we carry quality puzzles from Ravensburger, White Mountain, Cobble Hill, and Dowdle.

We proudly serve Gresham and the greater Portland and Vancouver area.

Games Goes “Off The Charts”: Costa Rica and Dragonwood

Two games went “Off The Charts” this past Monday.  It was time to go exploring to see if the huckleberries were on.  We packed a couple of games that we wanted some play time on and headed to the Washington side of the Columbia Gorge.

After some exploring we found this ideal spot in the Gifford Pinchot National Forest. This place had nature trails, natural bridges and an ice cave formed by collapsed lava tubes and plenty of ripe huckleberries.

After exploring the nature trails, bridges and picking huckleberries it was time to go exploring in a game of Costa Rica .
Costa Rica
Mayfair Games

Costa Rica casts players in the role of explorers searching for wildlife in the Costa Rican rainforests. Explore the highlands, forests, and wetlands for toucans, monkeys, jaguars and more.

Click here on Game Profile: Costa Rica where you can read our game overview.

We found the ice cave refreshingly cool and the perfect backdrop for a game of Dragonwood.  Surrounded by a forest and a cave, one could only imagine what creatures were lurking about.


 Armed with a hand of adventurer cards we each chose our attack method in battling our way through the creatures that lurked deep in the heart of the mythical forest of Dragonwood.  As luck would have it in our dice rolls we each defeated a fair share of creatures and a dragon before the game ended.  Lynn was the most successful creature slayer.

Click here on Game Profile: Dragonwood where you can read our game overview.

We have an open copy of both Costa Rica  and Dragonwood  available in our Demo Games Library for you come in and try.  

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Continue to check in for the latest in board games.
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Come and visit us at 30 NW 2nd Street in Historic Downtown Gresham. We have a full range of family games, strategy games, Euro-style games, war games, card games, dice games and more. Also for the puzzle enthusiasts we carry quality puzzles from Ravensburger, White Mountain, and Cobble Hill.

We proudly serve Gresham and the greater Portland and Vancouver area.

Game Profile: Dragonwood

A game of dice and daring in the enchanted
forest of Dragonwood.

Classification Family Dice Game
Mechanics Set Collection, Dice Rolling, Hand Management
Publication Gamewright Games, 2016
Ages 8+
Time 20
Players 2 – 4
Enter the realm of
Dragonwood if you dare!  Once there,
players will have to use one of 3 types of attacks to defeat the creatures
encountered on their adventure.  Armed
with a hand of adventurer cards you will choose your attack method.  Adventurer cards consist of 5 suits of colors
numbered from 1 to 12.  Playing cards in
a numerical sequence activates the Strike attack, while cards with the same number
will activate the Stomp attack, and cards of the same color will activate a
Scream attack.  The number of cards
played will determine how many dice you will roll to try and defeat a
creature.  Each creature has a number
assigned to each attack type (Strike, Stomp, & Scream) that must be rolled
in order to defeat it, and a victory point value.  The 1 victory point Crazy Bats requires a
Strike attack roll of 4 or more, or a Stomp attack roll of 3 or more, or a
Scream attack roll of 3 or more.  The
pack of Wolves is worth 3 victory points and requires a Strike attack roll of 6
or more, or a Stomp attack of 7 or more, or a Scream attack of 9 or more.  The toughest creature to defeat is the 7
point Orange Dragon which requires a Strike attack roll of 15 or more, or a
Stomp attack roll of 11 or more, or a Scream attack roll of 12 or more.
On a player’s turn chooses
to reload by taking a card from the top of the adventurer deck, or attack one
of the 5 face-up creatures.  After a
creature is defeated a new card is drawn from the Creature deck and placed in
the creature line-up.  Additionally, the
Creature deck contains Enhancement and Event cards.  Enhancement cards when captured will give you
special capturing abilities on future turns. 
Event cards when revealed are played immediately and can have positive effects
or negative effects on all players. 
Players must battle their way through the Creature deck to get to the
Blue and the Orange Dragons that are shuffled in near the bottom of the deck.  When both dragons have been defeated the game
is over.  The player who defeated the
most creatures gets 3 bonus points.  Al
players add up the victory point values of all of their defeated
creatures.  The player with the most
points wins.

We have an open copy of Dragonwood available in our Demo
Games Library for you come in and try.

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Continue to check in for the latest in board games.
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Come and visit us at 30 NW 2nd Street in Historic Downtown Gresham. We have a full range of family games, strategy games, Euro-style games, war games, card games, dice games and more. Also for the puzzle enthusiasts we carry quality puzzles from Ravensburger, White Mountain, and Cobble Hill.

We proudly serve Gresham and the greater Portland and Vancouver area.

Game Arrivals: Aug. 1st – 6th

Here’s a look at our most recent game arrivals:

    New Game Arrival!

Beyond Baker Street
Z-Man Games

Beyond Baker Street is a cooperative card game of deduction.  Players are cast as Scotland Yard detectives trying to beat the iconic Sherlock Holmes to the punch in solving the latest murder investigation.  A case file is chosen which determines where your team starts on the Holmes countdown to 0 track.  Additionally, a Suspect, Opportunity, and Motive card are revealed.  With a hand of evidence cards that you cannot look at but are held so that your fellow detectives can see them, the game is now afoot!  Through the various types of actions available, players give clues to each other to get the right number and type of cards played to the Suspect, Motive, and Opportunity cards as each requires.  At the same time you must work to get the evidence track to exactly 20 points in order to confirm your Suspect, Opportunity, and Motive in order to win.  All must be accomplished before the Holmes track reaches 0. Oh any misplays moves the Holmes track closer to 0.

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   New Game Expansion!
Marvel Legendary
Civil War
Upper Deck Entertainment

Civil War is the next expansion to the base game Marvel Legendary, a cooperative deck building game.

Legendary®: Civil War brings a new type of card to the game that will leave players Divided. 

…highlights the classic Marvel Comics story ”Civil War”. The story arc forced superheroes to choose a side. The newest type of card introduced in Civil War will do just that. Matching theme of division and duality, Civil War introduces ”Divided Cards” which have two miniature cards printed on the same card.

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   Micro Game Addition!
The Builders

The Builders Antiquity like The Builders Middle Ages  is the second in a micro game contained in a small metal tin that really doesn’t feel like a small game.

Construct the hanging gardens of Babylon, the pyramids of Egypt, or the theatres and temples of Ancient Greece in The Builders: Antiquity! This portable strategy card game takes you back to ancient times and puts you in charge of building some of the world’s greatest monuments. You’ll have to hire workers, buy slaves, and send them all to work carving stone and hewing wood. You can give your workers helpful tools, construct machines to make the hard labor of construction easier, or educate your workers to enhance their skills. Finally, you must treat your slaves well and reward them with freedom, or your cruelty will force you to lose points and possibly cost you the victory!

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Continue to check in for the latest in board games.
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Come and visit us at 30 NW 2nd Street in Historic Downtown Gresham. We have a full range of family games, strategy games, Euro-style games, war games, card games, dice games and more. Also for the puzzle enthusiasts we carry quality puzzles from Ravensburger, White Mountain, and Cobble Hill.

We proudly serve Gresham and the greater Portland and Vancouver.

Game Profile: Costa Rica

Set out to explore Costa Rica
and discover the wildlife of its rainforest: toucans, monkeys, jaguars and

Classification Family Game
Mechanics Set Collection, Press Your Luck
Publication Mayfair Games, 2016
Ages 8+
Time 30 – 45
Players 2 – 5
Let’s charge into the
jungles of Costa Rica in search of exotic animals.  With any luck we can find 3 types of
relatively common animals; a Chestnut-Mandibled toucan, a Basilisk, or a
Capuchin monkey.  It will take even more
luck to find a rare Jaguar, a Red-eyed stream frog, or a Rhinoceros
beetle.  These animals can be found in
one of 3 different terrain types; wetlands, highlands, and forests.
The object of the game
is to collect the best set of animals using your 6 explorers that you start the
game with.  The board is constructed of
61 hexagon terrain tiles with animals on the back of each.  Six groups of explorers containing an
explorer for each player are placed at each corner of the hex-shaped
board.  The first player, as expedition
leader selects one of these groups of explorers to move to an adjacent
tile.  This tile is flipped over
revealing the animal(s).  The expedition
leader then decides if he/she wants to keep this tile or pass and let the
others, in turn order to also choose or pass on the tile.  If no one takes the tile the leader flips
over another tile adjacent to the first tile and then decides to take all of
the revealed animals or pass giving the same option to the others in this
expedition group.  When a player decides
to take the animals discovered so far, they take the tiles and place them face
up in front of them and remove their explorer from that expedition group.  That explorer is finished exploring for the
remainder of the game.  On another
player’s turn he/she can choose to explore with that group as long as they still
have an explorer in the group.  The first
player pawn moves to the next player who begins a new expedition.
There is one small
catch during an expedition.  In addition
to animals on the flip side of the terrain tiles, there could also be a
mosquito attached to the animal. 
Mosquitoes are considered a threat and revealing a second mosquito ends
the expedition and that round.  The
mosquito tiles are discarded but the leader gets to keep any remaining tiles
and must remove his explorer from the expedition.  A new round is started with first player
(leader) moving to the next player who then begins a new expedition.
The game ends when all
explorers have been used or all tiles have been explored and claimed.  Players score points for each set of animal
type.  The more of an animal in your set
the greater the points, i.e. 3 jaguars are worth 6 points while a set of 5
jaguars are worth 15 points. 
Additionally, you gain 20 bonus points if you have at least one of each
of the 6 types of animals.  The player
who scores the most points wins.
Costa Rica is a great family game
that’s easy to learn and play that provides press-your-luck challenges.  Each terrain type has a different chance of
finding two animals instead of one, as well as differing levels of mosquito
danger.  Do I go for the rare jaguars to
try and complete my set of different animals knowing that the mountains where
they reside has the greatest mosquito threat or do I play it safer and head for
the forest that has the least amount of mosquitoes?  Do I try to become the last member in an
expedition group surrounded by tiles all to myself which may yield some great

We have an open copy of Costa Rica available in our Demo
Games Library for you come in and try.

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Continue to check in for the latest in board games.
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Come and visit us at 30 NW 2nd Street in Historic Downtown Gresham. We have a full range of family games, strategy games, Euro-style games, war games, card games, dice games and more. Also for the puzzle enthusiasts we carry quality puzzles from Ravensburger, White Mountain, and Cobble Hill.

We proudly serve Gresham and the greater Portland and Vancouver area.

Game Events: Week of August 1st – 6th

Not only do we sell board games, we also provide tables and a library full of open board games, card games, and dice games for you to come in and play.  The tables are open during store hours as well as during our Weds and Friday evening Open Game Play Nights.

Board Game: Black Fleet

Come and join in on the fun as it’s a great way to meet other game enthusiasts and to try out some games.  Our Games Library has a wide variety of games available for play while you are here. It’s free and it’s fun!

Here is this week’s schedule:

Open Game Play
Date: Weds. Aug 3rd
Time: 6 pm
Place: Off The Charts Games Store

Fri. Suggested Games To Try
Here are 2 suggested game picks from our Games Library for you to try. One is aimed at those who want a light strategy game and the other is aimed at those who would like a more challenging strategy game. No experience is necessary! We are happy to teach you the rules and get you started.
To learn more about each suggested board game click on the game name below it’s picture.
Ticket To Ride
Days Of Wonder

A game of Orléans in play.
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Open Game Play
Date: Fri. Aug 5th
Time: 6 pm
Place: Off The Charts Games Store

Weds. Suggested Games To Try
Here are 2 suggested game picks from our Games Library for you to try. One is aimed at those who want a light strategy game and the other is aimed at those who would like a more challenging strategy game. No experience is necessary! We are happy to teach you the rules and get you started.
To learn more about each suggested board game click on the game name below it’s picture.

Black Fleet
Space Cowboys
Machi Koro
IDW Games
A game of Machi Koro in play.
Come Play ~ ~ It’s Free ~ It’s Fun!

Come and visit us at 30 NW 2nd Street in Historic Downtown GreshamWe have a full range of family games, strategy games, Euro-style games, war games, card games, dice games and more. Also for the puzzle enthusiasts we carry quality puzzles from Ravensburger, White Mountain, Cobble Hill, and Dowdle.

We proudly serve Gresham and the greater Portland and Vancouver area.

Game Arrivals: Week of July 24th – 30th

Here is this week’s exciting game arrivals:
   New Game Arrival!
Costa Rica
Mayfair Games

Set out to explore Costa Rica in this new press-your-luck, set collection family game.

Players each have a group of explorers collecting the animals of the Costa Rican forest. Game play takes place on a modular board of double-sided hex tiles set up randomly with terrain side up. Each type of terrain has 2 types of animals (rare and common) and/or a mosquito threat.  Each round the expedition leader chooses which expedition will move, and where it will go flipping tiles to the animal side as they move. Starting with the expedition leader each player has an opportunity to claim the animals revealed so far thereby removing their explorer from that group and ending that round. Revealing 2 mosquito threats also ends the round.  The expedition leader pawn moves to the next player and a new round begins.  The game ends when all of the explorers or all of the tiles have been removed from the board. The player with the most points in animals wins.

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    New Game Arrival!
Mad Science Foundation
In this new card game from Cryptozoic, your goal in Mad Science Foundation is to be taken seriously by the mainstream science community and the world.

You see only one path to do this: cow them into accepting you by creating amazing and terrifying inventions that maximize your infamy.

Unfortunately, the Mad Science Foundation, which you rely on for your funding, has decided to encourage collaboration by awarding resources to groups of Mad Scientists for them to split “fairly.” Collect the resources you need from Foundation grants, swipe the resources your competitors need from those same grants, and make the maddest inventions to win!

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  New Game Arrival!
Champions Of Midgard
Grey Fox Games
Receiving Dice Tower’s Seal Of Excellence is Champions Of Midgard, a worker placement, dice rolling strategy game with a mythical Viking theme.   

The game is played over 8 rounds, during which you send workers from your clan into town to gather
weapons and supplies necessary to fend off the hordes of enemies just beyond the walls. Workers may
set the stage for your Viking Warriors to fight the Trolls who regularly attack the town, fight the Draugr who
plague the neighboring villages, or hunt the Monsters who reside on distant shores poised to strike at the
town and the ships which ensure the survival of the Nordic harbor.

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Munchkin Monster Box
Steve Jackson Games

The Munchkin Monster Box is just the thing for Munchkin fans who have a big collection.

The Munchkin Monster Box holds over 2,000 Munchkin cards with room for your Munchkin swag, level counters and dice. Additionally, there are 10 promo cards inside along with some bookmarks.

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  • Sutakku

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Continue to check in for the latest in board games.
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Come and visit us at 30 NW 2nd Street in Historic Downtown Gresham. We have a full range of family games, strategy games, Euro-style games, war games, card games, dice games and more. Also for the puzzle enthusiasts we carry quality puzzles from Ravensburger, White Mountain, and Cobble Hill.

We proudly serve Gresham and the greater Portland and Vancouver.

Game Profile: Mow Money

Start with a push mower and a

Classification Family Card Game
Mechanics Simultaneous Action Selection, Bidding, Hand Management
Publication Mayday Games, 2016
Ages 10+
Time 45
Players 1 – 6
Mow Money is a game to determine which players has the best reputation
for lawn mowing in the community. Contracts equal to the number of players will
be placed out for bid each turn.  Each
player will be able to bid on 2 contracts or bid on 1 contract and choose to do
an odd job for money.  All bids use 3
types of bid cards: Basic, Medium, and Advanced.  All players simultaneously and secretly place
their bids including any odd job cards and the tile corresponding to the
contract they are bidding on face down in their play area.  All bids are then revealed.  Any contracts receiving multiple bids is
awarded to the player who placed the lowest bid.  Contracts are the main source of victory
points so competition will be fierce for lucrative contracts.
For each contract receiving
a bid, the player winning it collects the contract, victory points and the cash
associated with it.  Contract winners
must then discard the bid cards they used to secure the contract while   players who lost out on any contracts return
their bid cards back to their hand. 
Anyone who played odd job cards receives cash.  At the start of each round players may buy
additional bid cards and/or upgraded lawn mowers.  Bid cards must be bought with the lawnmower
that corresponds to the bid cards.  A
basic Sod Snipper will only get you Basic bid cards valued from $1 to $3 while
a Gas Guzzling mower in your fleet can get you Advanced bid cards valued from
$3 to $5.  Players start with a Basic Sod
Snipper.  Low end contracts can be won
with a low end mower and low end bid cards. 
More lucrative contracts will require bids with a better mower and more
advanced bid cards.
The crux of the game
is to figure out who is going to bid on which contracts.  Do you bid high on low end contracts, win,
and get lots of cash for a few points? 
If there are high end contracts available, how low do you need to bid to
win that contract?  Or, do you do a
series of odd jobs to build cash for a big push in future rounds?  There is lots of room for messing with the
minds of your opponents.  Each player
even has 3 bluff cards to place in their respective bids to conceal what it is
they are up to.  The game ends when one
bid card stock is exhausted.  The player
with the most points on the contracts they won will be the lawn mowing champion.

We have an open copy of Mow Money available in our Demo Games
Library for you come in and try.

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Continue to check in for the latest in board games.
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Come and visit us at 30 NW 2nd Street in Historic Downtown Gresham. We have a full range of family games, strategy games, Euro-style games, war games, card games, dice games and more. Also for the puzzle enthusiasts we carry quality puzzles from Ravensburger, White Mountain, and Cobble Hill.

We proudly serve Gresham and the greater Portland and Vancouver area.

Game Profile: Valeria Card Kingdoms

Recruit powerful citizens!
Slay vile monsters! Expand your domain!

Classification Strategy Card Game
Mechanics Card Drafting, Tableau Building, Dice Rolling
Publication Daily Magic Games, 2015
Ages 13+
Time 30 – 45
Players 1 – 5
Welcome to the Kingdom
of Valeria. 
Valeria Card
is the first in a
series of games set in the imaginary Kingdom of Valeria.  As usual, the game is a contest to see who
can accumulate the most victory points. 
Along the way players will recruit citizens, slay monsters, build domains, and satisfy their particular Duke.  All
of these actions will yield points at game end.
The central play area
consists of a 4 x 5 grid of cards consisting of stacks of monsters, citizens, and
domains.  Starting with a small kingdom
of one knight and one peasant, players will work to build their individual
kingdoms.  A turn consists of rolling two
dice.  The roll can activate up to 3
different types of citizens.  Citizens are
numbered 1 through 12.  The 2 dice
activate the citizen of each dice and the total of both die.  So, a roll of 3 and 5 activates all citizens
numbered 3, 5, and 8.  The roll activates
every player’s citizens of these numbers. 
Each citizen has 2 activation levels: a more powerful action when the player rolls their own numbers and a
less powerful action when the roll is by an opponent.  The result is that players receive something
on almost every roll, so they can almost always do something good on their
turn.  This game does not bog down.
Citizen actions reward
players with resources, strength, gold, and /or magic.  Resources are then used to recruit more
citizens, slay monsters, and build domains. 
There are 5 of the 8 types of monsters available per game.  There are 5 piles of monsters stacked in the top row of the central tableau of cards. 
In each stack the easier to slay monsters will be on top with bigger and
stronger ones farther down in each stack.  Additionally,
each citizen has a role icon: worker, soldier, shadow, or holy.  These roles are critical in building domains.  To build a domain, players not only pay the
cost in gold they must have the required number of roles on their citizens.  In each game there will be 5 stacks of 3
domains available on the bottom row of the central tableau of cards.  These domain cards will be dealt out randomly
before the game from the deck of 24.
There are 10 Duke
cards in the game.  Each player is dealt
2 Dukes before the game starts. Players will select 1 of their 2 Dukes to keep as their secret scoring goal.  These goals will drive players to recruit
certain citizens, build certain types of domains, and even hang on to certain
resources.  The game will end when all
monsters have been slain, or all domains have been built, or the number of exhausted
stacks of cards in the central tableau is equal to 2 times the number of

Valeria Card
features beautiful
artwork on the cards, quick immersive game play, and plenty of replayability.  There are enough citizens, monsters, and
domains that they will not all be used in one game.  Valeria is a kingdom worth exploring.

Valeria Card Kingdoms is designed by Isais Vallejo who also designed Sunrise City.

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Continue to check in for the latest in board games.
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Come and visit us at 30 NW 2nd Street in Historic Downtown Gresham. We have a full range of family games, strategy games, Euro-style games, war games, card games, dice games and more. Also for the puzzle enthusiasts we carry quality puzzles from Ravensburger, White Mountain, and Cobble Hill.

We proudly serve Gresham and the greater Portland and Vancouver area.