Game Events: Week of April 1st – 4th

and join in on the fun at our weekly Open Game Play.  It’s a great way to meet
other game enthusiasts and to try out some

Our Game Library has a wide variety of games available for play while you are

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Date: Weds. Apr 1st
Time: 6

Place: Off The Charts Games

Weds. Suggested
To learn
more about each featured board game click on the game name below it’s

King’s Forge

Coal Baron
R&R Games
Coal Baron

experience is necessary! We are happy to teach you the rules and get you

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Note:  This week there will not be a Friday Open Play Night this week.  But do join us for next week’s Open Play Game Night.

Play ~ ~ It’s
Free ~ It’s Fun!

Come and visit us at 30 NW 2nd Street in Historic Downtown
We have a full range of family games, strategy games,
Euro-style games, war games, card games, dice games and more. 
Also for the puzzle enthusiasts we carry quality puzzles
from Ravensburger, White Mountain, Cobble Hill, and

We proudly serve Gresham
and the greater Portland and Vancouver area.

Game Arrivals: March 20th – 28th

New, New, New!  More new games have arrived.

Adding to their highly popular Dice Masters series is Dungeon & Dragon Dice Masters: Battle For Faerûn from WizKids Games. 

Dungeons & Dragons Dice Masters
Battle For Faerûn

WizKids Games

The Dice Masters series is a 2-player dice-building game. Each player takes the role of masterminds directing the actions of a team of powerful supers (represented by dice) to battle each other. Each turn, you’ll roll your dice to see what resources you have available, buy dice, send your team members into the field, and then strike at the enemy mastermind.

With Battle For Faerûn you enter into the Dungeons & Dragons Forgotten Realms universe. Players will defeat opposing warlords with dragons, mind flayers, beholders, kobolds, stirges, and adventurers.

~ ~~ ~~~

New in Z-Man Games is Pandemic: State of Emergency, the 3rd expansion to the popular cooperative game, Pandemic.

Pandemic  is a cooperative game where players are members of an international disease control team, working together to research cures and prevent additional outbreaks.
State of Emergency
Z-Man Games

The State of Emergency expansion presents players with 3 new challenges:

  • Hinterlands Challenge – diseases can spread from animals to humans.
  • Emergency Events Challenge – unpredictable Events have nasty effects on the game. Use Quarantines to stop the spread of disease across the board.
  • Superbug Challenge – a 5th disease that cannot be treated threatens the world. Produce vaccine doses after finding its cure in order to fight off this threat. You must eradicate the superbug disease in order to win. 
This expansion is not for the faint of heart.

~ ~~ ~~~

New in is Arboretum, a 2 to 4 player card game. Players will develop a garden of different types of trees. Making the most beautiful arboretum will not be an easy task, and some planning will be required. Which species will you choose? Lilac, willow, or maybe maple?

Z-Man Games
The goal in Arboretum is to create a pathway of tree of increasing value, where
the first and last cards are of the same color.  This is a player’s arboretum and is created on the table in front of each player.  Players will also need to collect in their hand as many of the trees that match their tree path.  At the end of the game the dealer names each tree, one after the other. 
For each type of tree, the players reveal each card in their hand
matching that tree. The player who has the highest
sum in a given tree gains the right to score points for
any paths matching that tree in their arboretum.  Along a path, each card must be greater in value than
the one preceding it. Therefore, the smallest possible
path is made up of 2 cards of the same tree, and the
longest is made up of 8 cards (this path must start with
a 1 and end with an 8). 

~ ~~ ~~~

At the recently attended game convention, we picked up Iello’s newly released Steam Torpedo: First Contact, a tactical submarine battle game for 2 players.

Steam Torpedo
First Contact

Before battle begins both players will plan their strategy through the construction of their submarine.  They will choose a submarine class, select a crew, and outfit the sub with various technology compartments such as firepower, fast engines, etc.  Next the tactical battle begins.  Each player will control the actions of their crew to outmaneuver and attack their opponent’s submarine.  Game is won when the opposing submarine’s control room has been destroyed or all of it’s crew taken out.

Watch this video for a game overview of Steam Torpedo.

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New in from Upper Deck Entertainment is Marvel Legendary: Fear Itself, the first expansion to the base game Marvel Legendary Villains.
Marvel Legendary
Fear Itself
Upper Deck Entertainment
In the core game, Legendary Villains you play as Marvel villains combating against the best heroes in the Marvel universe. You will build your card deck with Magneto and the rest of the Brotherhood or try a strategy with Sinister Six. 

With the Fear Itself expansion fear is upon you.  You can recruit the “Worthy” and battle against the “Mighty” for some new and amazing game play.  Kuurth, Nul, Skirn, Nerkkod, Greithoth, and Skadi are not alone as they will have to battle Uru-Enchanted Iron Man, the newest Commander.

This expansion includes 100 new playable cards, new original art, a new commander, 3 new plots, 6 allies, and an adversary group.

~ ~~ ~~~

Another Iello game we picked up at the game convention is Rumble In The Dungeon, a super light and quick game.

Rumble In The Dungeon

Living together in a small dungeon is not easy. When the pressure is too high, it’s time for a big rumble in the dungeon!

On your turn, either move any character alone in a room to an adjacent room, or eliminate any character from a room with several characters in it. When there’s only one character left in the game, reveal your secret identity and score points for being in the game the longest. 

Try to guess who is who without revealing too much about your secret characters, and keep them alive in the house as long as possible!
That simple. So evil. Just fun.

Watch this video by Dice Tower for a game overview.
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~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
Continue to
check in for the latest in board games.
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

Come and visit us at 30 NW 2nd Street
in Historic Downtown Gresham
. We have a full
range of family games, strategy games, Euro-style games, war games, card games,
dice games and more. Also for the puzzle enthusiasts we carry quality puzzles
from Ravensburger, White Mountain, and Cobble

proudly serve Gresham and the greater Portland and

Game Events: Week of March 22nd -28th

only do we sell board games, we also provide tables and a library full of open
games for you to come in and play.  
tables are open during store hours as well as during our Weds and Friday evening
Open Game Play Nights.

Come and
join in on the fun as it’s a great way to meet other game enthusiasts and to try
out some games. Our Game Library has a wide variety of games available for play
while you are here.  It’s free and it’s fun!

Here is this week’s

Date: Weds. Mar. 25th
Time: 6
Place: Off
The Charts Games Store 

Suggested Games
To learn
more about each featured board game click on the game name below it’s

Stone Age
Z-Man Games
~ ~~ ~~~

Date: Fri Mar. 27th
Time: 6
Place: Off
The Charts Games Store

Fri. Suggested
To learn
more about each featured board game click on the game name below it’s

Flash Point Fire Rescue
Indie Boards and Games
Lords of Xidit

Watch this Dice Tower video for an overview of Lords of Xidit

experience is necessary! We are happy to teach you the rules and get you

Play ~ ~ It’s
Free ~ It’s Fun!

Come and visit us at 30 NW 2nd Street in Historic Downtown
We have a full range of family games, strategy games,
Euro-style games, war games, card games, dice games and more. 
Also for the puzzle enthusiasts we carry quality puzzles
from Ravensburger, White Mountain, Cobble Hill, and

We proudly serve Gresham
and the greater Portland and Vancouver

Game Events: Mar. 15th – 21st

and join in on the fun at our weekly Open Game Play.  It’s a great way to meet
other game enthusiasts and to try out some

Game Library has a wide variety of games available for play while you are
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Note:  This week
there will not be a Weds Open Play Night this week.  But do join us for Friday’s
Open Play Game Night.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Date: Fri. Mar 20th
Time: 6

Place: Off
The Charts Games Store

Fri. Suggested
To learn
more about each featured board game click on the game name below it’s

Ticket To Ride
Days of Wonder
Bora Bora

                   Never played Ticket To Ride?  
Watch this game overview video by Days of Wonder.

No experience
is necessary! We are happy to teach you the rules and get you

   ~ ~  Come Play 

It’s Free  ~ ~


~ ~  It’s Fun! ~ ~ 

Come and
visit us at 30
NW 2nd Street in Historic Downtown Gresham
We have a full range of
family games, strategy games, Euro-style games, war games, card games, dice
games and more. 
Also for the puzzle enthusiasts we carry quality puzzles
from Ravensburger, White Mountain, Cobble Hill, and

Game Profile: La Isla

Explore the island of mystery.

Classification Strategy Game
Mechanics Area Enclosure, Hand Management, Modular Board, Action Programming
Publication Ravensburger, 2014
Ages 10+
Time 45 – 60
Players 2 – 4


La Isla is a game about finding and capturing 5 different extinct species of animals: Dodo, Giant Fossa, Golden Toad, Sardinian Pika, and Owlet Moth. The winner is determined by most points at the end of the game. Even though La Isla is a relatively short game for a Stefan Feld design, it still requires players to make good decisions in every round.

The game sets up with a compact modular board that is randomly populated with one animal in each section. Board sections are denoted with a 2, 3, or 4 indicating how many of a player’s explorers it takes to capture the animal and how many victory points it is worth upon capture. On each turn, every player will draw 3 cards. Each card has 3 sections. One section gives a special action. Another section claims a resource cube. Another section moves the scoring marker for one of the animals. Each player must use 1 of their 3 cards for each of the 3 sections, keeping one for its special action, one for its resource cube and one for moving a scoring marker ahead. This decision process is the heart and soul of La Isla. The special action can be used for all turns where it is visible. Players can have 3 special actions visible at one time. By turn 4, players will have to cover one action with

another from their current cards. The resource cubes gained with the 2nd section of the card are used in the next phase of the round to place explorers on the board to surround and capture animals. It requires 2 cubes of 1 color to place an explorer on that color section of the board. There are 5 different color resources with matching sections on the board. The 3rd card section moves an animal’s scoring track up one spot. The scoring track determines the point value of each animal captured during the game. It takes 4 moves on the track to make an animal worth 1 point, 7 for 2 points, on up to a maximum of 5 points. The movement up the track also yields victory points of 1 points per type of animal you have already captured.

Game turns are fairly quick, draw 3 cards, determine the 3 different uses, reveal cards simultaneously with other players, place one card in a special action slot, take a resource cube, pay to place an explorer, and move up a scoring marker. Game decisions are really interesting. The end game trigger is unique. As the scoring markers move up for the various animals, it is the total value of the animals added together that signals the end of the game. In a 4-player game that total is 11. End game scoring includes points for sets of all 5 animals and the number of animals of each type captured times the number reached on the scoring track for that animal. May the best explorer win!

We have an open copy of La Isla available in our Demo
Games Library for you come in and try.

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Continue to
check in for the latest in board games.
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

Come and visit us at 30 NW 2nd Street in Historic Downtown
. We have a full range of family
games, strategy games, Euro-style games, war games, card games, dice games and
more. Also for the puzzle enthusiasts we carry quality puzzles from
Ravensburger, White Mountain, Cobble Hill, and

We proudly serve Gresham and the greater Portland and

Game Profile: Sanssouci

Who will create the most
beautiful garden?

Classification Light Strategy Game
Mechanics Hand Management, Pattern Building, Tile Placement
Publication Ravensburger, 2014
Ages 8+
Time 30 – 45
Players 2 – 4

Sanssouci is a game about
creating a garden full of pathways and moving your 9 nobles as deep into the
garden as possible.  The game begins with
each player selecting a player garden board from the 4 double-sided garden
boards.  Each garden board is made up of 9
columns of garden features each headed by a noble, and 6 different colored rows.
Each board will have a slightly different layout.  End of game is triggered when every player
has used all 18 cards in their player deck. 
In each round points ranging from 1 to 6 are awarded for moving one
noble down a garden path.  The farther
down a noble goes the more points are scored. 
Additional end of game points are earned for completely filing in a row
and/or column with garden tiles.  Each
player will have 2 secret objectives that will score additional end of game points
if achieved.  The player with the most
points wins.  By the way, getting your
nobles all the way down to the bottom, 6th row is not as easy as it
Each player’s deck
consists of 18 cards, one for each of the 9 garden features, 8 color row
combinations, and one wild card.  On each
turn a player will have 2 cards in their hand drawn from their face-down deck.  They will choose 1 of these 2 cards to play from
which they will collect a tile from the 10 available garden tiles on the
central supply board.  The card played will
determine the type of garden tile and from where on the supply board a tile may
be taken.  Each tile depicts a garden
feature.  The selected tile must be placed
on the player’s board in the same column that matches the garden feature of the
tile and in the same color row as it was taken from the supply board. The turn
is concluded by drawing back up to 2 cards and refilling the vacant spot on the
supply board with a new garden tile.  Play
continues until players have worked their way through all 18 cards of their
deck.  The crux of the game is to think
ahead in laying your pathways to get your nobles down the 6 rows as far as
possible.  Remember, there is only one
card for each garden feature.  So, a
noble may and most likely will move into another column(s) in order to get down
to the lower rows – he must however, end in the same column as he started.
The basic rules include a little twist. There is a way to make a selected tile a wild tile that can be placed
anywhere in a particular row and column.  This wild tile must be placed face down on the player’s garden
board as “gardeners”.  While these gardener tiles really help in filling in the garden and creating pathways, nobles cannot stop on them, they can
only be used as a pass through.  If not
thoughtfully placed, these tiles can restrict noble movement and the level of
points scored.
Sanssouci is a relatively light strategy game, but more
thought provoking than you would expect. 
Additionally, the game includes some expansion boards that overlay a
portion of the player boards adding another bit of strategy.

We have an open copy of Sanssouci available in our Demo
Games Library for you come in and try.

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Continue to
check in for the latest in board games.
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

Come and visit us at 30 NW 2nd Street in Historic Downtown
. We have a full range of family
games, strategy games, Euro-style games, war games, card games, dice games and
more. Also for the puzzle enthusiasts we carry quality puzzles from
Ravensburger, White Mountain, Cobble Hill, and

We proudly serve Gresham and the greater Portland and

Game Event: International TableTop Day

Join us in participating in this sure to be super fun Game day.

Saturday, April 11th

             10:00 am – 7 pm
Where: Off The Charts Games
Cost:    Free

Inspired and initiated by TableTop’s Wil Wheaton and Felicia Day, people worldwide will come together for a day dedicated to playing boardgames.

We will be participating in this event.  Come and play with other game enthusiasts.  No reservations are required, just bring yourself or a group of friends and family.  We have a wide variety of open games to choose from to play while you are here or bring your favorites. No experience is necessary, we are happy to teach the rules and get you started. 

Bring your friends, bring your family. It’ll be a day loaded with fun free board gaming.

Last Year’s Event

Play ~ ~ It’s
Free ~ It’s Fun!

Come and
visit us at 30
NW 2nd Street in Historic Downtown Gresham
We have a full range of
family games, strategy games, Euro-style games, war games, card games, dice
games and more. 
Also for the puzzle enthusiasts we carry quality puzzles
from Ravensburger, TDC, White Mountain, and Cobble

We proudly
serve Gresham and the greater Portland and Vancouver

Game Arrivals: Week of March 8th – 14th

The games
still keep rolling in.  Here’s a look at what came in this week:

In from Czech Games Edition is Alchemists, a game of strategy, risk, and deduction.

I received my new cauldron today.  Finally, my laboratory is complete!  For days, I have been gathering and drying ingredients in
anticipation. What shall I mix first?  I have a strong hunch
about raven’s feather and mandrake root.  And they say you
can never go wrong with a toad.

…A little mandrake root, a little raven’s feather.  Toss them in the cauldron and see what they make.  Should you drink it?  Maybe not.  After all, that’s what students are for.

Czech Games Edition
Welcome to the world of Alchemists. Players are alchemists competing to
discover the secrets of their mystical art. Points can be earned in
various ways, but most points are earned by publishing theories
– correct theories. Therein lies the problem.
Players gain knowledge by mixing ingredients and testing the
results using a card-scanning app on a tablet or smartphone. They
deduce how to make potions that they can sell to adventurers.
Gold pieces can be spent on magical artifacts, which are very
powerful but also very expensive.
Players’ reputations go up and down as their theories are
published or disproven. At the end of the game, reputation is
converted to points. Points are also scored for artifacts and
grants. The player with the most points wins.
Watch this video by Dice Tower for an overview of Alchemists.

~ ~~ ~~~

In from North Star Games is Evolution, a game where players must adapt to an ever-changing ecosystem in order to survive.

North Star Games
In Evolution, players are in the midst of a dynamic ecosystem of limited resources and hungry predators.  To survive, your species will need to adapt. Food is scarce and carnivores run rampant. Your choices will determine the fate of the world’s species: which will survive, which will thrive, and which will disappear from the planet forever.  Your goal is to gain the most points by feeding your species, increasing their population, and evolving them to best ensure their survival.

With over 12,000 different species to create, every game becomes a different adventure.
Watch this video by North Star Games to learn more about Evolution.

~ ~~ ~~~

For fans of Seniji Kanai’s popular card game Love Letter and fans of Batman and/or The Hobbit -The Battle of the Five Armies comes these 2 themed edition games. Both editions are a collaboration between AEG and Cryptozoic and are based on Love Letter, a card game of risk, deduction, and luck for 2 to 4 players.

Love Letter: Batman Ed.
AEG & Cryptozoic
Love Letter: Batman Edition
Take back the streets of Gotham City.  The most notorious villains in Gotham City have escaped Arkham Asylum and it’s up to the Dark Knight to round them up and return them to their padded cells.

Earn Batman tokens by eliminating opponents and by winning each round for a new spin on classic Love Letter.

Love Letter: The Hobbit
Battle of the Five Armies Ed.
AEG & Cryptozoic
Love Letter: The Hobbit – The Battle of the Five Armies Edition
This edition contains 17 cards and a slight twist on the classic game rules. The twist involves the cards One Ring, Legolas, and Tauriel.  The One Ring card has a zero value when in play but have it in play at the end of the round and it’s worth 7, equivalent to the Bilbo card. The Legolas and Tauriel, both value 3 cards, puts a twist on the the Baron card from the classic Love Letter game.  When comparing cards with an opponent, Tauriel’s power will knock out the card with the lowest value, while Legolas’s power will knock out the card with the highest value.

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  • Descent

~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
Continue to
check in for the latest in board games.
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

Come and visit us at 30 NW 2nd Street
in Historic Downtown Gresham
. We have a full
range of family games, strategy games, Euro-style games, war games, card games,
dice games and more. Also for the puzzle enthusiasts we carry quality puzzles
from Ravensburger, White Mountain, and Cobble

proudly serve Gresham and the greater Portland and

Game Events: Week of Mar. 8th – 14th

only do we sell board games, we also provide tables and a library full of open
games for you to come in and play.  
tables are open during store hours as well as during our Weds and Friday evening
Open Game Play Nights.

Come and
join in on the fun as it’s a great way to meet other game enthusiasts and to try
out some games. Our Game Library has a wide variety of games available for play
while you are here.  It’s free and it’s fun!

Here is this week’s

Date: Weds. Mar. 11th
Time: 6
Place: Off
The Charts Games Store 

Suggested Games
To learn
more about each featured board game click on the game name below it’s

Renegade Games
Mayfair Games
~ ~~ ~~~

Date: Fri Mar. 13th
Time: 6
Place: Off
The Charts Games Store

Fri. Suggested
To learn
more about each featured board game click on the game name below it’s

Gryphon Games
La Isla
No experience
is necessary! We are happy to teach you the rules and get you

Play ~ ~ It’s
Free ~ It’s Fun!

Come and visit us at 30 NW 2nd Street in Historic Downtown
We have a full range of family games, strategy games,
Euro-style games, war games, card games, dice games and more. 
Also for the puzzle enthusiasts we carry quality puzzles
from Ravensburger, White Mountain, Cobble Hill, and

We proudly serve Gresham
and the greater Portland and Vancouver

Game Arrivals: Week of Mar. 1st – 7th

Come in and check out this week’s game arrivals.

Here’s a look at what came in:

How cute is Pretty Pretty Smash Up, the latest expansion to the base game Smash Up?
Pretty Pretty
Smash Up
Think only pirates, time travelers, vampires, and bears can smash bases? Well get ready to be taught a lesson… in the nicest way possible!

Pretty Pretty Smash Up brings the sweetest factions ever to the vicious fight for victory! Kitty Cats use their incredible cuteness to take control of enemy minions. Princesses ply their royalty, beauty and even their love to get their way. Fairies’ fickle tricks give you options like never before, while the herds of Mythic Horses work together for dominance. Get ready: your opponents will never know what hit them!
~ ~~ ~~~

New in from Mayday Games is this simple and addicting card game, Dead Man’s Draw.
Dead Man’s Draw
Mayday Games

In a game of Dead Man’s Draw, players will press their luck as pirates trying to amass the most booty.  There’s a catch, if you get too greedy you could lose it all.  Players draw cards one at a time trying to collect the most loot, comprised of 10 suits with 6 cards each.  Draw different suits and your treasure grows, but get 2 of the same suit and you’ll Bust and your turn ends.

What’ll it be, Matey? Draw if you dare!

~ ~~ ~~~

In from Z-Man Games is Terra Mystica: Fire & Ice, an expansion to the base game Terra Mystica

Terra Mystica
Fire and Ice
Z-Man Games

New order will reign over the lands of Terra Mystica!  

Fire and ice descend upon Terra Mystica. The traditional factions must brace themselves for their new competitors: Yetis – the masters of power, Ice Maidens – who adore their Temples, Acolytes – whose entire life is focused on the cults, and Dragonlords – whose use their power to create volcanoes. And as if this wasn’t enough, there are two more factions, namely Shapeshifters and Riverwalkers, who ignore the most basic of rules: one faction – one terrain type.  (Inconceivable to the Halflings!)

 ~ ~~ ~~~

Carcassonne is back in stock and with a new look.
Z-Man Games

This is basically the same tile-laying game as before but with new artwork and the inclusion of Abbot meeples. The River mini expansion is still included as well the addition now of the Abbot mini expansion.

The Abbot mini expansion introduces gardens and Abbot meeples.  When placing a tile with a monastery or a garden, you may place either a meeple or your abbot.
The meeple is placed as usual whereas the abbot must be placed on the monastery or garden you have just placed. If the monastery or garden occupied by your abbot is
surrounded by eight tiles, you score 9 points just like
during a regular monastery scoring.  The abbot also has another special ability:  if you decide not to
place a meeple, you are allowed to take back your abbot.
If you do so, you score as many points as the abbot is
worth at that time, exactly like an end game monastery final scoring.


 ~ ~~ ~~~


Also back in stock is Bruges, by game designer Stefan Feld.

Z-Man Games

15th Century.  The first stock market opens its doors.  All of Europe has set
its eyes on the wealthy and influential city of Bruges.

Bruges, players strive to gain
influence with the merchants, bureaucrats, nobles, and the many others that rule
the city.  With their help, players hope to gain prestige, reputation, and
power.  One must be careful as disasters lurk nearby.  Use a little luck, some
tactical thinking, and maybe some shady maneuvers on your way to

~ ~~ ~~~

Kobolds Ate My Baby

Steve Jackson Games

In from Steve Jackson Games is Munchkin Kobolds Ate My Baby!, the latest 15-card booster pack for Munchkin.

A kobold has a harsh life. But at least there are babies to eat … until King Torg (All Hail King Torg!) swipes the plumpest and juiciest for his table.  Good thing the humans keep making more of them….

~ ~~ ~~~

~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
Continue to
check in for the latest in board games.
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

Come and visit us at 30 NW 2nd Street
in Historic Downtown Gresham
. We have a full
range of family games, strategy games, Euro-style games, war games, card games,
dice games and more. Also for the puzzle enthusiasts we carry quality puzzles
from Ravensburger, White Mountain, and Cobble

proudly serve Gresham and the greater Portland and Vancouver.